National Provider Network
PCC customizes its provider network to meet the needs of each client. Providers meet strict criteria and agree to follow utilization and peer review guidelines while agreeing to a discounted fee schedule approximately 20% below usual and customary charges.
Utilization Management/Review
While PCC strives to make chiropractic care available to everyone needing it, our utilization management is second to none yet it remains "user friendly". This reduces costs and insures treatment quality and consistency. All PCC utilization review is performed by licensed chiropractic physicians.
Claims Re-pricing
At PCC, we manage, review and re-price claims for Plans and Providers across the country. As a claim is received it is reviewed and re-priced, with a cover sheet attached detailing dates of service, approved and denied charges, discounted PPO rates and allowed charges. All claims leave PCC re-priced and ready for the payer within 48 hours of receipt.
Third Party Administrator
PCC is licensed as, and functions as a Third Party Administrator (TPA) for large plans around the country. This gives us full accounting and recording responsibility for you.
Patient/Provider Support
This is one area we feel sets PCC apart from other networks. We have the ability to work closely with the provider and his/her patients. This includes support material for the provider and educational material for the patient. We are available to do short educational seminars for employer or client groups. By providing education and creating an ergonomically sound work environment, a Plan will see chiropractic claims and dollar amounts from medical claims reduced.
Managed Care Contracting
PCC is willing to assume risk and will enter into not only PPO but also EPO and HMO capitation agreements where necessary. We welcome the opportunity to submit a competitive bid for any and all chiropractic services.
Preferred Chiropractic Care P.A.
2243 S Meridian Ave Ste 100 B
Wichita, KS 67213